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Lorem ipsum loved Super Troopers 1 and 2. So much in fact she is now consectetur adipiscing elit. Google it. Lorem's favorite part in Super Troopers 2 was Favra yelling at the Canadian townsfolk, "REPEAT AFTER ME! I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE...".

Second must laughable moment? The bear. Favra grabs steaks then realizes he had raw meat and blood all over himself. He hides (tries) in the outhouse. The bear knocked it over. Later, Farva standing next to his friends forgot how rich and pew he smelt and was suggested he take a shower, soon. We still think he needs a good rinse. MEOW

Our MEOW-Address

50-MEOW Highway
Spurbury, Vermont MEOW

Jim Gaffigan


Connect And Share


Cell Phones from Canada

Must Dos in Movie 3

  • Chug Syrup
  • Put Farva on Radio Duty
  • Freak out the potheads
  • Rookie picks up the tab
  • You guys need a chopper
  • Big chopper ending scene

On-Line Consultation? No.

Nobody is really here. This is a Stock photo. She probably got minimum wage for that shot 15 out of 30.